Monday, February 28, 2011

This portrait of Phoebe was painted this morning in Open Studio at Southgate Studio and Fine Art. I tried something different this morning. Not having taken time to stretch a new canvas, I pulled out an old painting that I didn't like and painted over it. The previous painting was very dark so it was hard to get the skin tones bright enough. I was afraid that it would get too chaulky if I used much white to lighten the skin tones. I used yellow to lighten wherever I could and I think it turned out okay. That's what weekly Open Studio is for - to experiment and see what happens. It's like practicing the scales on the piano but lots more fun. I think I'll try painting over old portraits again. I have miles and miles of canvas that could be recycled this way.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice! And a great idea...I have lots I could paint over, too.

    ~ Sue
